Oink Gallery in Swindon is holding an exhibition of my work November to January
Oink will have the wall of Lipsticks on show. “Painting by Numbers” is a collection of meticulously researched vintage and contemporary lipsticks, matched for colour and tube style. Each tablet is framed and has a peep hole as the back to show my marks and the data on each tile. So if you fancy yourself as a bit of a BOND GIRL (Charlotte Tilbury contemporary lipstick) or a METALLIC GRANDMA (Biba 1960’s and discontinued) they are all there.
In addition to the wall of lipsticks with them will be 1986 ZOOM, THE UNITED COLOURS OF DISARMAMENT. Any questions do not hesitate to ping me a message or ask Mark to Skype linkup with me in the studio here in Granada to the gallery in Swindon!