Hello ,
In a Christmas nutshell the festive season is upon us. It is actually a great time for me to get on with making pots and I also have the best excuse to wriggle out of any duties because I have an exhibition coming up in London in April. This is a terrifying yet welcome form of distraction from darting about purposefully with useful biro-ed instructions on my hand. The latest shock was discovering the word “Turkey” on my hand. This caused me more than a moment of disbelief and suspicion as I pondered; was it a reference to an idea involving the country or had I completely lost it and decided to go all traditional on the day. One or the other…
So pre-occupying myself in the studio is the place for me to be, a break away from the pre-Christmas cacophony; (“I want Alex Marwood’s latest book. I want a thermal vest. I need some fluffy bed socks and by-the-way, the cat’s broken a tooth”) and to spend a quiet Christmas in the pottery. I’ve thought ahead and everyone knows what to expect including what to cook and I’ve got The Archers on permanent podcast.
Even Star Wars is booked (English Version Original in Granada). The event is possibly not going to be quite the theatrical experience I was hoping for, dressed as Obi Wan (its cold in there), Leia (daughter, with extra hairpins and lacquer at the ready) and Indiana Jones (he’s got it slightly wrong). This viewing luxury will be just that; as a party of three in a cinema that holds 200 accompanied by just a few other random English viewers. Although there will also be the usual small group from FAAS; Federación Andaluza de Asociaciones de Personas Sordas who in their deafness will be experiencing the film via Spanish subtitles. A jaunty saunter through rosy-cheeked crowds in the cinema foyer will take us all of 10 minutes. It’s a big foyer!
My Exhibition date for your 2016 diaries:
12th April 2016 at Gallery 286
286 Earl’s Court Road
London SW5 9AS
286 Earl’s Court Road
London SW5 9AS
E: jross@gallery286.com
T: 07747 807 576
I will be showing with Jennifer Binnie painter and Alex Binnie Tattoo artist and printmaker.
Full details to be released soon.
Full details to be released soon.
Merry Christmas from the pottery!