I am back on the two cats. I had to wrap and leave this one for a week so thank goodness for clingfilm it really does just hold the clay in a stable leather hard condition for as long as it is in place. I had hit a wall with the ginger cat, Pickles, and needed to get back to the drawing board on her. She is coming along nicely now, but she needs a lot of layers of slips to get her coat right.
Below is another tile which will go onto my website on-line shop next week. These tiles post and pack so well they really lend themselves to mail order. I am very ice creamed out now though, but the reason is this; I had a commission to make the jar (see last post) and I started a tile to test colours then decided to just go for it on the jar but was left with a Mr Whippy tile so it had to be finished.
My newsletter is still in the out box, I am just waiting for one more bit of work on it before it goes so if you have not signed up and you would like to receive one next week, this is the place to sign.